REFUND ELIGIBILITYUpdated 5 months ago
To receive a refund, please make sure of the following:
- All returned merchandise must be in perfect resalable condition
- The product must be free from damages, scratches and/or defects
- All merchandise cannot have been installed or used in any way
- You must have the original manufacturer packaging for the item (manuals, accessories, packaging materials)
- There cannot be any writing or labels on the original manufacturer packaging for the item
- Packages MUST be sent back by the same delivery method they were originally delivered to you (UPS, FedEx or Freight).
- All items must be returned with an assigned Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number
- All items must be packed EXACTLY THE SAME WAY as we have shipped it to you originally
- If a wooden palette was originally used, return must be loaded on same or similar wooden palette
- Cartons must be loaded RIGHT SIDE UP as indicated by the printed arrows. Otherwise they will get damaged and not be refunded
- Cartons must be secured and strapped down to the palette (if palette was used) so they will not move from their loaded positions during transportation
- Cargo must be wrapped in stretch film to bond it all together and avoid some pieces to go missing during transport
- Return address labels must be attached to the return outside of the stretch film.
- We usually send you prepaid bills of lading for return (at our deeply negotiated freight rates), so you can save money on return shipping costs. You may also use your own carrier
- Print shipping company’s bills of lading in 2 copies. Call for pickup, personally sign and have the driver sign both copies of the BOL’s and issue the PRO number. Keep one and give other to the driver
- Contact us again to provide the shipping details for the return, so we can be on the lookout for it