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Slim-Duct Ceiling Concealed RYB Quantum Series

Technical Questions Regarding RYB-22 Quantum Inverter++ Ceiling-Concealed Slim-Duct Equipment

How do I switch between °F and °C on the RG10 remote?

To switch between °F and °C on the RG10A4(D1)/BGEFU1 handheld remote, lightly hold down the up and down arrows together for 5 seconds. Be sure to hold them down gently, if you press too hard then it will not work.

Supplemental Installation Instructions for RYB/RB Models

Some additional instructions for special cases where the slim-ducted head unit is to be mounted vertically, or used without a drain pump.

Adjusting Static Pressure Setting for RYB/RB Models

Please see attached, or follow the steps below:. This is utilizing the TST-WNPC-120L thermostat ( KJR-120L/F-E ).